Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Heading North

Salinda and John are heading with me up to Crookston, MN and tomorrow morning I'll be speaking in Grand Forks, ND .. even with the flooding. We will be doing some shopping, possibly, and some school work (hopefully) and have some good conversations (most likely as John is a good conversationalist). Half way through the trip I'm stopping at my workplace to have lunch with people I've worked with for a long time and never met. Some of them it's been 3 years of near daily contact by phone, instant message, and email, but they've never seen me in person. I'm sure that they will be disappointed --

Physically I'm not up to par, but I'm on top of things emotionally at the moment which is a good thing. If I can just keep from hacking through my presentations, we should be OK.

I'm presenting on Surviving Parenthood -- to "normal" parents, a different audience than is typical, but they are asking for laughter, levity and meat, and I can usually provide that. I am also praying that I can be a break in the stress in the midst of the flooding, storms, and frightening situations up in the Red River Valley.

Hopefully I'll be blogging later that we have arrived safely.

1 comment:

  1. i bet you have them laughing the whole time!
