Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How the Internet Sucks

This morning I got back from the YMCA determined to sit down and blog before the kids woke up. But I have several blogs that are RSS Feeds and my computer notifies me that they are updated and so I had to check them. And since Scott Kelby, one of the people I admire a ton but have never met and has nothing to do with adoption, had updated, I had to read him. That took me to The Pioneer Woman, who I had heard of but never read before, and these stories about how she met her husband.

And thirty minutes later, zero blogging done, zero anything done, except reading the beginnings of a cool story that I'm going to have to resist all day long.

And that is how the internet sucks. It sucks us away from the things we are supposed to be doing and sucks us in the lives of other people and since I was very young people have always intrigued me to no end.

Fortunately, Ricky and Leon went to the school at 6:30 to lift weights and Sadie can ride with the others and Bart is taking Wilson and Dominyk this morning, so I have been given back my half hour.

And now I am passing those links on to you so that you, too, may discover just how much the internet sucks.


  1. i soooo get what you are saying. that is how i have learned about so many of the blogs i read. referals!!! and yes, getting "sucked in" definitely happens!

  2. Its so funny that you just found Pioneer Woman. I read her, Cyndi and you everyday!
    blessings to you and your family
    ps don't check my blog, its sadly out of date:(

  3. Its so funny that you just found Pioneer Woman. I read her, Cyndi and you everyday!
    blessings to you and your family
    ps don't check my blog, its sadly out of date:(

  4. I love PW! And her love story does suck you right in. I'm waiting for more on the wedding.

  5. PW... Is such a time suck.

    I just printed the Black Heels and took it to the bathroom each time I had to go.

    :-) Meg

  6. Been reading P-Dub for a long time. She has fabulous give aways.........problem is you are one of twenty thousand to enter! And I've made scores of her recipes and love every buttery creamy rich bite of each of them! She has fabulous photography, too. And great quizes on her home-schooling tab.
