Sunday, April 26, 2009

In Case you Thnk My Blog Needs a Name Change...

I'm not even sure I have the energy to even write down all of the things that happened yesterday and today.... So I'll be brief:

1) Dominyk woke up incredibly agitated. We needed to leave to go film a video for Children' Mental Health and we had to leave him here with the older kids because none of the PCAs could work and we already were taking Tony to spend some time with Kyle while we were at the video shoot. By the time we were left we were sure he was going to completely lose it by the end of the day, but miraculously he didn't.

2) I finally had received the stomach flu and I felt awful. I could barely move. Finding my an outfit was a tedious and annoying task leaving me drained before we left.

3) My plan to work on the house and yard yesterday morning before we left certainly did not happen. I could barely move. Did I already say that. Yes I did.

4) Tony rode with us to the Cities and talked non stop. Sometimes the things he says are so annoying that I it requires all my self control not to lose it.

5) The video shoot went fine. I enjoyed meeting people and teasing the powers that be who did not select me to work for them but will accept my services for free. It gives me great joy to make a gutteral sound in my throat and prent to slit it with my finger when I talk to them about how they chose to cut me after the audition/training. CKCKCKCKKCKCCK.

6) We had supper with Kyle and his girfriend. By this point, the flu had overtaken me and I sat there in pain, so much pain that I didn't realize how self-centered our oldest son was being.

7) In the midst of this entire day there was adoption drama with one of my families and an adoption situation that I can't blog about it.

8) On the way home, the flu took over and I had to have Bart pull over so I could barf.

9) While I was barfing, Salinda texted me that her plans for prom were off and they weren't going. I texted her a couple times and got no story. I finally gave up.

10) I came home and fell into bed exhausted at 9 p.m.

11) I finally got up around 8:45 and checked my phone and there was a message from Salinda's boyfriend's mom. I called her and got a 30 minute retelling of a very annoying drama filled day that resulted in my daughter basically ruining her son's senior prom. I apologized.

12) Sadie had neglected to shower last night and when I finally got off the phone I had to shower but she was in there, cuttting my preparation time in half (and since I only need 10 minutes... well, you get the picture).

13) Dominhyk couldn't find his shoes. He is wearing my shoes.

14) I left for church with wet hair to teach youth Sunday school, and play a keyboard that wouldn't turn on. I played the piano instead.

15) Bart and I both felt like crap but we took everyone out to eat instead.

16) On the way to eat we got rear ended.

17) After a hurried lunch, I came home to get Salinda's side of the story and let her know I would be to her friend's house to pick her up tonight.

18) I have to leave soon and drop of paperwork for one of my families, lead a Spiritual gifts group, and then go get Salinda, still feeling gross.

Tomorrow morning Bart and I are supposed to head to Duluth to the Mental Health Confererence.

See. My blog is correctly titled -- that is only about 29 hours of our lives and I didn't include everything.



  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Praying for good health on Monday! Hope you get better...sickness can make everything look bleak! Love to the fam!

  2. #5 confused me, #11--do you really need that out of people who aren't your children?!, and I'm sorry you got the flu & got rear-ended.

    Angela :-)

  3. bless your heart woman, that is way too much in one day.
