Monday, April 06, 2009

It would be nice to have just one day..

where something on my body did not feel wrong, hurt, or upset. It has been weeks since I've felt good and while I realize that my whining is very pathetic considering others are battling major illnesses, i still wish I could have one day that was pain and discomfort free.

The past two days it has been my right arm. I blocked myself from falling when I tripped the other night and i pulled some muscles in my arm. It's amazing how important it is not to have my right arm in pain. I sleep on my right side and I can't do that now. I use both arms to get out of chairs or couches so you can imagine how that goes now. And, with my still frequent trips to the bathroom, you can guess what I usually use my right arm for, and THAT has not been easy to accommodate.

Spring break starts for the elementary school kids today, the Jr. Highers join them tomorrow, and then the High Schoolers have the last three days of the week off. This is Bart's busiest and most stressful week of the year, and I'm feeling a bit behind with what I need to do. All that is not a good mixture so it will require me to be in tip top shape to navigate the boredom, stress and tension in our home over the next six days.

And without my right arm, that ain't gonna be easy.

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