Sunday, April 19, 2009

Marlboro Man in the Morning, Pioneer Woman in the Afternoon

We had Kari, Mike, Ben and Anna over for dinner last night and Bart made a great meal. I had sent him a link to a Pioneer Woman recipe that I thought would taste really good and he surprised me by announcing he was going to make it for dinner. Though the picture didn't turn out looking anything like hers, the potatos were delicious. The fruit salad looked as lovely as it tasted, and the Ice Cream Cake that Kari picked up on the way over was quite tasty, though as her personal trainer I probably shouldn't have allowed her to eat any.

Thinking about how Bart had wanted me to get up early and head out and look at the yard and start working in the dirt, I commented at the table last night that not everyone can have Marlboro Man in the morning, and Pioneer Woman in the afternoon. To which Wilson asked, "Which one of y'all is the man at night?"

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