Friday, April 17, 2009

The Plot Thickens

Well John packed up his stuff and left the group home. We assume Mike picked him up, but we don't know for sure. It is such a complete repeat of what happened 2 years ago. Mike did the exact same thing on April 20th two years ago.

He left a note indicating that he would be living with another family, but I'm not sure he'll ever do that. If MIke did pick him up he may never make it back to school to finish out the year. Once again we did everything we could to set up a decent transition to adulthood for one of our sons, and once again a son is walking away from it.

Salinda all the sudden is texting that she wants to come after being gone for a while and I'm wondering if she knows they are here and intends to hang out with them. That would be their next move together -- to sneak her out to hang out with them.

In addition, Tony got in a fist fight in school today and we are concerned about how long we and he can remain safe with his very short fuse, antisocial behavior, and agressiveness.

It's a great day to be a Fletcher.


  1. Sorry, Claudia, sometimes parenting really sucks. I hope things turn around for Mike, John, Tony, and Salinda. Thanks for sharing, I like it when I'm not the only one parenting difficult kids!

  2. Oops. I might have jinxed you. I was thinking just last night, I believe it was, that you needed to change the name of your blog--it was getting dull. I didn't say it out loud, though--only thought it & quickly put it out of my mind, dismissing it as a bad idea.

    Angela :-)

  3. I am sure sorry to hear this. I can only imagine your disappointment.

  4. I'm so sorry. Hopefully, John will turn his choice around soon. And Salinda stays away!
