Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rounding the final Bend in the Marathon

This week has been quite a marathon for us. Bart has had 3 deaths and several people hospitalized from the church. One of the deaths was very tragic and sad and hit all of us in church very hard. We also had the speaking engagement in St. Cloud which both of us spoke at and it was Spring Break. John had to be returned home last Monday and picked up yesterday. And there were services to prepare for and participate in (and preach at for Bart) on Thursday and Friday and there are three tomorrow. The kids have to help get ready for an Easter Breakfast tomorrow. And to help Bart out, I have purchased groceries and prepared meals for four straight days, which if you know anything about our lives is highly unusual. We usually eat out when Bart doesn't feel like cooking, but we've been spending too much doing that so I cooked this week.

Now today is the final bend before we end things tomorrow.... six haircuts, ironing and preparing outfits for everyone, a trip to the mall for a few final items and a lot of organizing and cleaning. Kyle should be here this afternoon.

Holidays are a lot of work for a lot of families, but for a pastor's family, Holy Week and Easter are especially full. But considering the sacrifice made for us through death on a cross, I can usually find a way to suffer quietly. My difficulties pale in comparison to most.....

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