Thursday, April 23, 2009


Dominyk has the stomach flu. He threw up several times during the night. Every time he did, I cleaned it up (How did THAT get on my list of things to do during marital-divide-the-duties day?) and then couldn't fall back asleep for a while.....

Dominyk's OCD has him completely unable to stop fixating on his physical ailments and I have already heard "MOm, I don't feel so good. Mom, my stomach hurts. The back of my throat feels weird. My head doesn't feel right. I puked you know" about 75 times and it's only 7:08. Bart agreed to take the kids to school because I don't feel so good either, but I haven't been able to go back to sleep because I keep getting interrupted.

I had nothing on my schedule today and was looking forward to getting a lot of work done. I am sure I still will, but only between repetitious reports about Dominyk's condition....

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