Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Very Difficult Parenting Decisions

I was listening to the radio today after I left the Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota conference where Bart and I spoke and I heard a commercial that said "Sometimes Parents Face Very Difficult Decisions. And then a boys voice in the background, "Can I Dye My Hair?"

ANd I was all like, OMGOSH! Let me tell you about difficult parenting decisions:

A difficult parenting decision is deciding whether or not to call law enforcement when a child is violent;

A difficult parenting decision is whether or not to allow a child to spend time with someone when you know the relationship isn't healthy;

A difficult parenting decision is whether or not to let a child who has stolen from you move back home if they will be homeless if they don't;

A difficult parenting decision is whether or not to have a child arrested for hitting you when they are on probation;

A difficult parenting decision is if tonight is the night to take a child to a psych hospital.....

and I could go on.

Can I Dye My Hair?

Doesn't even register on the chart....


  1. Sometimes you just have to laugh. If they only knew . . . .

    Hang in there - you are an inspiration to us all.

  2. Doesn't register on the chart? Yeah, no sh... uh kidding. Dye your hair?! Is that the worst thing we are going to deal with this week? Go for it, dude!

  3. I faced almost all of your parenting decisions last August... well except the homeless one.

    But, I had to chuckle at the "dye your hair" anyway. I told Marissa when she was about 7 that she could only dye her hair a color that a person could be born with. Ten years later she still follows that black and white rule. Sometimes FASD does make things easier...
