Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wow, what a Day

I got up at 4;45. I did the Y and was Jillian for Kari. I was in rare form.

I came home. I got everyone but T & D ready for the day and out the door. I took Tony and DOminyk to therapy. I stopped and bought Tony something for his track meet before taking the boys back to school.

I came home and plunged into email and IMs for work for 3 hours.

I left and did two home visits and between then did email at a coffee shop.

I drove straight from my second home visit to my lady's group from church that I lead that ended at 8:30.

I came home.

I'm blogging. And I'm tired.

I had an excellent morning, mood wise, but by midafternoon I was dragging. I made it through though.....and now it's time to fall into bed.

Tommorow won't be quite so frantic....

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