Friday, May 01, 2009

Maybe It's the To-Do List

I am waking up feeling no energy at all and am wondering if it has something to do with what is on my to-do list today -- attending therapy with my daughters when only one of them is willing to go -- and checking out re-instating a restraining order for one of my sons.

That is of course, in addition to several other things, but those appear to be the highlights.....

It has been a very long interesting week. It makes me anxious about leaving on Monday, but that has to be done so I have to get ready for the trip without worrying too much about what could happen while I'm gone. I hate that stress....

But for now I must simply forge ahead. I have developed the skill of managing my emotional energy - I tell myself that I do not have the energy to deal with something so I postpone dealing with it until a later time in the day or the week. I can't plan the crisis, but the non-crisis items can certainly be postponed emotionally and managed.

I hope that I can keep that up all day....

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