Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Salinda had a dentist appointment this morning and so I was left with Gabby who was sleeping but soon woke up. She did fairly well for a while -- I even got the cute pictures above. (See the teeth? Her third one is coming in now, possibly explaining some of the fussiness.) She did great until it sunk in that her mom was nowhere to be found, she spent nearly twenty minutes looking pretty much like this.


  1. omg i cant believe how big she is already! she is so gorgeous, looks alot like her mommy in the first picture. youre right in what youve said in the past about salinda dressing her so nicely, i love this shirt! i love that she has her ears pierced too, so dainty and pretty <3

  2. what a pumpkin! :)

  3. OMG I just want to snuggle her up. She is so cute and I love love love the shirt.

  4. what a sweetpea! this brightened up my really awful day (my foster son's behavior is so rough right now that i'm not sure we can make it). i'm online perusing my blogroll, looking for HOPE. there's no hope like a cute little baby, huh?
