Thursday, August 19, 2010

The End of a Long, Good Day

Today was a great day. I did a new seminar today about Case Notes that was very well received. It talks about how important case notes are for adoptive parents and for kids when they are older and that workers need to be careful to accurately provide a balanced perspective. It was a seminar I developed in the last week and it really turned out to be a good one. They would like me to come back again.

This afternoon I did my adoption disruption prevention workshop and I had the audience laughing for most of the hour and fifteen minutes that I was there. It was a very hard time frame to do a seminar: 3:45 to 5:15, but I did it and I felt I did it well.

Sold some books, had dinner with Lisa and Kari and now i'm thinking of going to bed early.

i can do anything I want to, can't I? At leats for the next 12 hours or so.

I thikn I'll spend a bit of it sleeping.

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