Monday, August 30, 2010

Gotta Love Feeling LIke This

It was a rough weekend emotionally around here. Several situations were just not pleasant and the constant sense of being unappreciated and taken advantage of takes its toll. However, this morning I'm back from the YMCA and the endorphins and the weight loss have inspired me quite a bit.


OK, so totally not fair. I only got that much written before a text and phone conversation from my oldest daughter sent me into an emotional land mine that no endorphins could rescue me from. After a very intense conversation, however, followed by debriefing that conversation with my husband, I am doing ok again.

Once again, these troubled and confused 17-22 year olds that are buzzing around us can be such a strain. They are needy in a whole new way -- a way that makes us feel consistently disregarded and unappreciated to say the least.

But it's not about me. I keep trying to put myself in their shoes and look at life from their perspective and that helps me a bit. I'm a pretty strong person and I can and will maintain my own self-differentiated love for them without allowing them to cross too many lines.

Good thing I heard this song on the treadmill this morning. ;-)

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