Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Practical Strategies for Helping Troubled Adopted Children with Complex Histories: Focus On Anger Issues

For more information on this webinar, click here:


  1. Miss Claudia,
    Must one live in Minnesota to attend the webinar training? I'd love to register and get training hours for work, as well as share the link with my office. Thanks, Yolie

  2. Miss Yolie:
    I don't think you have to be in MN. I'd contact them and ask.....

  3. Wow, where did you hear about this? This sounds fantastic. Our foster son has only been with us a few months so it's probably not the right training for us yet, but he certainly is a Trouble Fostered Child with a Complex HIstory (and anger issues). Good to know there are trainings on this type of topic that can be done from home.
