Monday, August 23, 2010

A Quick Update

Our current census is unknown. Because I don't go into Mike's room in the morning -- it stresses me out too much. But he was here yesterday, so assuming he is here, and has no unapproved guests, we were at 14. Ric at a friends, Leon has friend over, Salinda and Gabby back, Salinda has friend over....

I'm back in the mode of trying to figure out how much to expect in regards to rules. I have a few rules that are just picky things -- but they make me feel better. And they don't get obeyed. And I get so frustrated with myself that I don't have the energy to enforce them. Then I feel like I'm being used and manipulated. And y'all know I don't need to be stressed out more than I already am.

Yesterday I worked on our bookkeeping again -- we got an extension for taxes, but the deadline is looming. I lost a folder that is quite important and now I'm going nuts trying to find it. That on top of the fact that there is just no psychic space anywhere in my life is driving me nuts.

I'm trying to calm myself at the moment in order to dive into a lot of work for both my jobs that got held up a bit last week.

Ok, calm soothing thoughts and here I go.....


  1. that folder is somewhere. Usually when I lose important stuff, after I go all batty and insane, I stop and said "OK God. you know where it is. Find it for me" and then I wait a moment or two in silent reflection and almost always, it comes to me where the lost item is. Of course, I always thank the Big Guy for the revelation. :p

  2. Claudia,

    From the bottom of my heart, you NEED to slow down and relax more often sweetie! I see how much time and effert and energy you put into EVERYTHING you do and LOVE it, but I don't want to see you in the hospital again :( I'm worried about your you and your health. You have such an amazing spirit, and are such an amazing parent, and do such wonderful things for the adoption world. I can only hope when I get a lil bit older that I can be HALF as amazing as you are! God bless you!!!
