Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Re-entry Time

Our re-entry time has gone well so far. Last night when we arrived only Wilson and Mercedes were still awake and they gave us lots of hugs and told us nice stories. They were pleasant and very happy to see us.

This morning Sadie and JImmy both had plans -- Sadie is babysitting, and Jimmy is off to Vikings Training Camp to try and get autographs. Dominyk is off to summer school. Leon and Wilson are still asleep and Tony and Ricardo are still at the homes where they stayed while we were gone. Mike is back home for the first time since Bart indicated that he had to leave last week when we were at the conference. It is very quiet here.

I found out yesterday that I'm heading to Alabama next week with Kari. We are both speaking at this conference. It was last minute and unexpected but we're excited to go. I have heard the people down there are amazing and that the food is good, but they are not promising any kind of decent weather. Oh well, there is air conditioning.

I better get busy. Lots to do today. It's nice to be home. There will be challenges over the next day or two, but I'm feeling ready to meet them.

Knock. On. Wood.


  1. We lived in Hoover, AL, when our kids were placed with us. Of course, since they were from another state, AL had nothing to do with us...

    Food - if you're eating out, there's some excellent Chinese food around there. For some reason, everyone in BHM makes a really awesome, different from everywhere else, Mongolian Beef. It's more of a glaze, stickier, almost candied - really good. I forget the name, but our fav was on 31 just south of I-65, I think by Lorna Road.
    There's also an awesome Chinese buffet at Lakeshore Pkwy in a strip mall, I think, just west of I-65. They had the most fabulous fried shrimp-stuffed-scallop thingies. Forget the buffet, I could just eat those... if you like seafood. ;-)

    Enjoy your trip.


  2. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Kat.....we live in Montgomery now but know hoover well.. LOVED the library there!!
