Saturday, August 28, 2010


I like Saturdays. I don't expect myself to go the Y and I let myself sleep in a bit. And then I lie in bed and peruse in my mind through the myriad of things i might be able to do today of all the things I need to do. And when I figure out a plan of attack I get up.

This morning I took a while to come up with the plan but I believe that cleaning my office is going to be my project for the day. I have already addressed the baby shower announcements that Courtney and the girls and I stamped last week and did an expense report from my Birmingham trip last week. I'm planning on having my first ever blog giveaway that I'm hoping to set up today -- more news soon -- and I've developed quite a shopping list for my trip to Walmart this morning with Mercedes who has been asking to go for days.

I also have to stop by Office Max and finish up the high schoolers school supplies and get some stuff for me to finish taxes, which I found out, much to my relief are not due until October 15 as opposed to August 31.

So by the time I head both stores and the post office and finish the tasks above I'm pretty sure that it will be time to head to the Adoption PIcnic this afternoon that Kari is organizing.

And then we'll be talking about bed again. So that's the plan.

I'm trying not to over plan myself and that all seems doable. I think.

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