Saturday, August 21, 2010

Seems Like A Million Years Ago

Thanks to Kari for blogging about our trip home. For some reason yesterday really zapped me of energy. We had a great trip to Alabama but it seems like it was weeks ago instead of just the last three days. SHort trips like that are really exhausting. Even though I felt like I did very well speaking, the trip drained me.

This morning I slept longer than I have slept in a very long time. I must have needed it.

My husband is a wonderful man. He lets me travel whenever I have the opportunity and while I am gone he holds down a full time job as a pastor (which often equals more than full time) and takes care of all the kids -- the crisis, the routine, the rides, the schedule, etc. He does what the two of us together barely manage some days.

When I first started to travel I would come home and be very frustrated with him for not making the kids do all the stuff I make them do. He said something very insightful to me that I have tried to remember. "If you want to be able to go, please don't come home and criticize the way I do things." So I try my best not to.

BUT I do get very frustrated by the way that the children take advantage of my husband. One of the kids consistently did his chore while I was gone. I think everyone else took a three day vacay from their responsibilities. This is frustrating to Bart but he doesn't know who has what chore or who has dishes and he'd rather just do them himself instead of the hassle it takes to get the kids to do them.

Bart is gone this morning picking up Rand from his summer camp job. So I took advantage of the opportunity of him being gone to get the kids to do their chores in ways he does not approve of. Very. Loud. Ways.

But you know what? Their rooms are clean, their chores are done, and everything is fairly calm here now.

I spent about three hours this week in my element. I feel most comfortable standing in front of a group of people and sharing with them things that I am passionate about. I love the interaction with the people and the way that we inspire one another both ways. I'm very grateful that i can get paid for doing what I love.

Now I'm back to reality. I am already not following all of my own advise. But I'm hanging in there. And in a day or two maybe I will finally find some equilibrium after all these weeks of upheaval.

But if not, September 9th is coming. And, as you can see in this video. I'm really looking forward to a set routine.


  1. well it's taken me quite awhile, didnt do it all in one sitting, one week, even one month but i just wanted to comment and say hello in our mutual present day! ive been reading your blog from beginning until now, and finally i am caught up. it's been so interesting reading of your lives over the last few years, seeing and hearing about each child's progression and YOUR progression in parenting attitude. while there were times you came down on yourself as a parent, i just wanted to say i love how you write and while im not an adoptive parent (26 yr old single mom of a neurotypical 6 yr old, soon to have another baby girl around oct1) i really appreciate alot of things youve written- the good days but especially the bad. admitting and owning when you make mistakes, but continuing to commit to doing your best. ive read several blogs from beginning to end and yours is definately one of my favourite :) thanks for everything, love from another faithful reader <3

  2. I have no idea why ANYONE would want to live through my life word by word, but I hope that somehow the whole thing has impacted you positively -- it sounds like it has.

    I appreciate you encouraging my authenticity. Sometimes I get panicky and want to pull back and hide, but comments like yours spur me on....
