Sunday, August 15, 2010

So Far So Good

Yesterday actually proved to be a pretty good day. I had made up my mind to set some boundaries for the kids and to start with the people coming back into the family system. I laid down the law pretty firmly (had even prepared notes ahead of time) for Salinda and Henry about my expectations after explaining how stressed out I had been. I basically said, "as a family, we don't have to worry about money. But people need to start worrying bout the money-makers if the family is going to survive."

On the way up I was explaining to Sadie that our family as a team works pretty well because they have strong coaches. But that this summer several of the kids have been acting as if the coaches should be out on the field playing alone while they sit and watch. I told her that if her Dad and I were the only ones trying our hardest, that we probably couldn't win the game. I think she is starting to get it.

Outside of our home she has had the most amazing summer. She has kept her job, made excellent choices of who to spend her time with, went on a Missions Trip, was a volunteer counselor and a church kids camp, babysat for a women's Bible study every week, did some extra babysitting on the side, and prepared some slide shows for church. She also has been a key player in planning for VBS this week and also made a few videos for worship this summer. She has grown spiritually by leaps and bounds and in our family this always comes at the kids initiative. We try to be good role models and support them, but we know better than to try to force kids to love God.

And at home she has been much more mature as well in regards to her siblings and to us as parents. Way less arguments, more connection, etc. But when it has come to doing the few simple things we ask her to do it has been a battle. So I am hoping that making the connections with her yesterday on the trip will help.

I am 5 minutes away from waking everyone up for church. We'll see how well that goes and if my conversations yesterday have made any difference.

Today will be quite a family day -- John and Courtney (and unborn Isaac who will be here in two months!!) are coming to church and then the girls and I are going to work on baby shower announcements before and after spaghetti by Bart. THen tonight starts VBS and Leon has equipment pickup for football. He starts two-a days tomorrow -- Wilson starts his little league football practices, and Ricardo starts soccer.

SO .... we're off and running....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Claudia, hope your Sunday goes well. It can be quite the challenge even when you don't have as many kids. How's Ricardo doing? You mentioned a while back a concerns for him and his mood. I've been thinking about him. Email me privately if you want/can. Know I pray for your kids as the Lord brings them to mind.
