Thursday, August 05, 2010

We Did Arrive Safely by the Way

Perfect trip yesterday. No glitches at all. Nice flight. Arrived at Bill and Janes (friends from my Adopt America connections) and after visiting had a lovely dinner out at Judies here in Amherst, Massachusetts. Then we sat outside and visited until we headed to bed fairly early. SLept well and long and now I"m catching up on email until we head back into Hartford for the conference. We are planing to have time for work and time for play while we are here, hoping to see Vermont and Rhode Island as well as spending time in Massachusetts and Connecticut. The weather is hot and humid, but we are enjoying being away from the constant "mom, mom, mom, dad, dad, dad" for a few days.

One of the keys to going away is learning to mentally go away and I think we've finally achieved that. During the early days of our marriage and parenting we would take time away from the kids each year but then spend most of it not being really away because we worried so much about them. Not so much any more....

Off to the conference -- looking forward to dinner with Brenda and Pat tonight!

And by the way -- did you know this was here? I don't think I did. I found it exploring something else this morning. Funny how that works, huh?

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