Sunday, August 22, 2010


I should definitely have not said bad ju ju.

Everyone decided to declare Mutiny within an hour of that last post. Jimmy got "stuck on stupid" and refused to do anything I said. Dominyk had a major cussing screaming throwing things meltdown. Tony got defiant and refused to do anything he was told. Salinda texted me and drew me into a great deal of drama that I didn't need. And all the sudden I'm exhuasted.

BUT, before that, I hung out in my room with my husband and several children and Bart and I were trying to discuss upcoming New Worship at church. We were discussing the possibility of using some YouTube Videos to lead worship with -- praise songs with lyrics. But Bart said, "but we need a worship leader as well" and Wilson said, "What about the Annoying Orange?"

Wilson thinks that the Annoying Orange is a lot like Dominyk.... ;-)


  1. ROFL! I had never seen that before. Poor Dominyck. Or poor Wilson. Oh gosh I feel bad for not being able to stop laughing. The thing is, you need to let Wilson know that A. Orange is also a lot like my Chet. A LOT like my Chet.

  2. My kids were completely stuck on the annoying orange a couple weeks ago. His name is very accurate - he is SO annoying. And yet I also found myself laughing.
