Monday, September 20, 2010

Can You Tell My Life's Been Crazy?

Obviously when I almost stop blogging altogether it is because life is just NUTS. I really do try to remember to blog every day, and there are few days I have missed, but it is when I am so overwhelmed I don't even remember to log on.

Yesterday must have been one of those days.

Right now I'm sitting at the MSP airport recovering from the very irritating shuttle ride and breakfast experience. IT seems taht there has been a conspiracy this morning and nothing has gone very smoothly. We arrived here late and then the line for breakfast was just ridiculous.

Yesterday's baby shower for John's GF went well but it was stressful and took a big chunk of time. It's nice that it's over though.

I didn't sleep well at all last night and woke up anxious as could be. Over the past few months I have gotten very good at realizing that I can't control things when I"m not home so I try to let them go. But for some reason this morning I couldn't shake them. I'm working on it though.

According to his Facebook we have a son heading back to jail but I'm pretty sure I heard him last night and his picture isn't on the website. I resisted the urge to write "promises, promises" as a comment on his status update. He tells us every week he is going back to jail but he never does.

The sleeping patterns of those who are living in our home and not going to school is quite different than it is for the rest of us who have to get up in the morning. This is causing me stress in addition to about 320 other things.

But I'm going to simply let them slip away and begin to transition to focus on doing my best with the tasks at hand this week. Hopefully they will keep their stress there. I know Bart can handle it!

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