Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day is Done

It's late. I'll be heading to bed soon.

Well, it's not really that late here ... 9:30.. but it feels like 11:30 to me and i'm tired.

By the time I finish the second day of a 3 day stretch I'm starting to feel the exhaustion. The commute is over an hour in the morning and the evening and then I train for about 7 hours (with a break for lunch). Makes for a long day.

And this is one of those trips where things are NOT fine at home.

Two children have gotten in trouble at school. One "child" did something I shouldn't blog that may severely impact her future and the future of her child. One "child" got caught doing something he wasn't supposed to at home. A few kids aren't doing their dishes or chores, and I'm tired just thinking about going home to deal with all that.

But in a few minutes I'm going to hop in bed and fall into a blissful uninterrupted sleep. it's fun to know that I"m not going to be interrupted once I crawl in that bed. I'll turn my phone off and slip into a night of blissful sleep.

Whine alert (so if you want to stop reading now you can).

I'm not sure what the deal is with me and Seattle, but for some reason here my ankles turn into elephant ankles. I could take a picture of them and post them here, but that might just gross you out and there's no need for that. So you can look at the picture above instead. Now this water retention is while I am taking a water pill every day. I have a doctor's appointment set up, but tomorrow I may have to wear a more casual outfit than planned because I won't be able to fit into the shoes I brought.

I have a lot of pain in my left shoulder which is really bugging me. I'm not sure if it's from the bed last night or from the driving in rush hour, or what, but it's not pleasant at all.

OK, done whining. For now.

1 comment:

  1. Well for heaven's sake do not wait to get this checked out when you ASAP when you get back! I will be praying that it is just Seattle and you will dry out when you get back home ;)
