Sunday, September 12, 2010

Even if they were all "typical" teenagers

my life would be annoying, you know what I'm saying?

Teenagers tend to have this bubble they live in, even if they don't have special needs, that surrounds them at all times and prevents them from seeing outside of themselves. Their lives are all about them and they have no desire nor inclination to consider how their behavior is affecting anyone around them, especially not their stupid parents or siblings. They make their plans and suddenly come up for a moment of recognition -- "OH, yeah, I have parents!" when they need cash or a ride somewhere. And suddenly they are texting or on the phone.

At present the count is seven teenagers living here on a regular basis. Then add 1 preteen and the myriad of "adults" that are in and out, and we have ourselves a less than "typical" life. But even if they were all healthily attached, birth children, that many teens would make Sunday mornings a challenge.

So far I have only given up on getting Mike to church. The rest go willingly most of the time, though there are days when it's hard to get them out of bed. Then we have to get them out the door on time, wearing something fairly decent.....

I used to have a long list of rules about church but as I look around me and see how many people are even able to GET their kids there, I've relaxed a bit on where they sit, if they have a piece of gum, if they whisper occasionally.

The kids think we go to church because their dad is the pastor, but we would be going this much or more if he wasn't. This story from 2005 is hilarious -- you may or may not remember it, but it's worth a click over.


  1. Oh man the first paragraph is right where im at! I just had an arugment with my teenage son over music. He wanted it on right now, regardless of anyone else in the home and his sister who was in the living room, not feeling great, couldnt handle the noise. And really it was all very stupid.

  2. yep yep - 2 teens living at home, a 20yo & her toddler (and sometimes her hubby), 21yo, Wednesday nights the 19yo (and sometimes both he & his gf on weekends)... dinner / sleeping here count is routinely anywhere from 2 to 10. Rarely a dull moment here either!
