Friday, September 10, 2010

Finally Some Good News in the U.S. News about Foster Care

This is the source of the article.

But since many people are too lazy to click, I"ll post it here.

New data: many fewer US kids are in foster care

By DAVID CRARY (AP) – Aug 31, 2010

NEW YORK — New federal figures show that the number of U.S. children in foster care has dropped 8 percent in just one year, and more than 20 percent in the past decade.

The drop, welcomed by child-welfare advocates, is due largely to a shift in the policies and practices of state and county child welfare agencies. Many of them have been reducing stays in foster care, speeding up adoptions and expanding preventive support for troubled families so more children avoid being removed in the first place.

The new federal figures show there were 423,773 children in foster care as of Sept. 30. That's down from about 460,000 a year earlier and down from more than 540,000 a decade ago.


  1. I wonder what you would think if you knew the back story(ies)...

  2. Yeah, I figured as much. I figured that unfortunately, this "good news" didn't necessarily mean more children were being adopted, but that less children were being removed from places they aren't safe due to budgets, or some other back story(ies).

    However, it sure was posted as good news, wasn't it?
