Thursday, September 09, 2010

First Day of School for the Second Time

The children are all now in school. I just dropped them off and they are safely there.

However, the weather did not cooperate this morning for me to have matching back to school pictures for everyone. It was raining pretty hard. So if it is nice tomorrow we'll just have to fake it.

It feels good for them to be back in school, just because THEY needed routine and structure and less electronic stimulation. However, it's been our easiest summer ever.

And even though 8 kids are in school there are still going to be five kids 17 and over at my house today and the baby. So it isn't like it's anywhere close to me being alone like I was several years ago while they were all still in school.

Yesterday I took Dominyk to his conference. His latest obsession, if I have failed to mention it, is making BB guns out of pens and pencils. I was going to warn the teacher about this, but before I had a chance he had taken her pen apart right there at the conference.

Scenes like that are why we would make good reality TV. In fact, the kids were so disappointed that I didn't ask for information that I"m goign to call the person today and at least see what she has to say. Who knows, it might be something fun for us to do together that could at least pay us enough money that we could have furniture in the living room again. And we really need a new dining room table that will sit more than 12. What do the rest of you do that have meals together with more than 12 people?

1 comment:

  1. Every Sunday my sister and I, our husbands, her 5 kids and my 4, go to our parents' house and eat lunch (at 3pm cause that's when she gets out of church).

    We currently have an adult table in the dining room and all the kids on an enclosed porch (we close the door after praying!). On the porch there is a girls' table and a boys' table (although one of the girls is a major tomboy so she sits with the boys). We didn't divide them that way it was their choice.

    The littles run off after dinner, and then some of the older teens sneak in to the adult table and eat dessert, until we run them off so we can continue talking about them some more.

    That's how we accommodate the 15 or so of us. Probably not very helpful to you, but you asked.

    Mary in TX
