Friday, September 24, 2010

Funny Story Alert

So Kari and I are going to the Y at 5 this morning. It's dark outside and we're heading down the hill from our house when Kari says, "Isn't that Ricardo?" Sure enough, there's my son. And since he hadn't let us know that he made it home last night (something he was on the road to being grounded for) I wasn't completely surprised that he was out at that hour.

So I simply rolled down my window (except that I have automatic ones so they didn't really roll -- what DO you call it when you push that button -- I buttoned down the window? I pushed down the window? I automatically put down the window?).... anyway, I digress.

The window was opened by me and I yelled, "Get over here, NOW! True to Ricardos' personality, he just kept walking. I said "NOW!" He kept walking. I then said, "RICARDO!" He turned and said, "No Speak English."

Now at this point it suddenly occurred to me that it was very possible that there could be another young Guatemalan immigrant in our town and that maybe Ricardo was home in bed. I apologized then, in Spanish, that I was sorry and that he looked just like my son. He shrugged, and started walking back up the hill.

Now, one of two things just happened. Either Ricardo is, as Kari said, the next Ferris Bueler, and fooled me, OR there is a very confused guy in town wondering why a big white girl in a van was out at five a.m., why she thought he looked like her son, and why she was suddenly speaking Spanish. It very well may be that he is asking himself how much he actually had to drink tonight.... and vowing he needs to cut back. ;-)


  1. OMG that is too funny!

  2. that's hilarious!

  3. And my son says the moral of this story is....."Don't yell at people at 5 o'clock in the morning!" ;)

  4. LOL! I'd love to know how the guy told the story to his friends later on.

    Regarding the car window, I think the easiest way would be to say you "lowered" it. But I always say "rolled down" too, even though I haven't owned a car without power windows in 20 years. I don't think my daughter has ever even seen one!
