Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me is Over

And it wasn't a bad day. I wimped out though. I scheduled a home visit and was gone from home from after a great lunch with Mike and Kari until about 8 at night. It kept me from being too disobedient by the disregard of my birthday by my children.

My online friends were awesome though and my husband always is. So it was a good day...

Now today I need to jump back into work, but the great trip down memory lane by my Facebook birthday wishes yesterday, your wishes here, and the constant support of a great husband made my day wonderful.

Maybe even so good that I'll be brave enough to attempt a celebration with the kids this weekend.



  1. I am sending you some courage!

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    IT is nice to feel loved.

  3. found out quite by accident that when I'm away on my birthday, I have a nice day and Sissy can't act up. Last year and this year it was a quilting retreat. bliss!
