Friday, September 03, 2010

Having a bit of trouble Getting Going Right Now

I woke up at 4:45 and got up at 5:30 and went and had one of the best workouts I've had in quite some time. I picked up Leon at a friends and then headed home with the plan of sitting in my bedroom to work since it is Bart's day off and he is leaving for most of the day. I haven't seen him a lot this week and figured we could at least work in the same room. HOwever, sitting in the recliner seems to have made me a bit sleepy and I need to kick it in gear!

Word has it that Salinda, her boyfriend, and the baby are going to be moving in with us for the fall. Should be interesting. They may be coming today. I'm trying not to let my PTSD about their situation make me completely anxious but i need less stress in my life, not more.

This house is so quiet... good thing I have a full bladder and need to get up ;-) Otherwise I might just fall asleep right here and now.


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