Sunday, September 12, 2010

I'm sorry to say so but...

sometimes I look at my son and I say to myself, THAT is the most beautiful child I have ever seen.


  1. agreed.
    except MY son is the most beautiful son.

  2. Nah, I got the four most beautiful (grin) but he is right up there!

  3. There are times you are right!

  4. You are entitled to say that...and I agree! But the next time I look at one of my sons, or my daughters, the statement will also apply. I guess I think children are all just gorgeous, especially when we catch them in such pensive moods. That's why I continue to take photos of faces, because when God creates people, He knows what He's doing.

    I love taking photos of other people's kids to share with their parents. Of course only of kids and parents I know. There's nothing that means quite as much to a parent as a wonderful photo of their amazing child. I almost consider it a ministry, but it's more like a nearly fulltime hobby at sporting events.

    Your Gabby is of course the most beautiful grandbaby in the world. But come February, regarless of how pug the nose might be (son-in-law's nose) or how much the left ear stands out from the head (my daughter's "Grosssnickle ear", named after the church family with that trait) grandbaby is going to be the most beautiful grandbaby in the me! Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder, the eyes of those who do the loving.

    Nancy down one state
