Friday, September 03, 2010

Last NIght's Game

Ricardo played Goalie last night for the first half and only touched the ball twice. He then played forward and had some awesome moves. It started to rain and like a wimp I got up to find shelter and ended up missing the goal he scored at the end of the game

Have I mentioned how much I love my telephoto lens? I was quite far away from him when I took these pictures.


  1. ricardo is looking very tall and grown up in these pictures! hope he's feeling more upbeat (for ricardo) and not so blue lately, in past posts it sounded like he was becoming a bit withdrawn. without knowing any of you personally, i must admit i think this kid is pretty great :)

  2. Brendon is all excited to start Fall Soccer next week. He'd love to watch the "big guys" play!

    I am still figuring out a way to get that fancy camera---been saving all summer! :D
