Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Looks LIke Summer is Over -- at least for most of the kids

This year we have 6 kids in H.S. (if you count Salinda who is going to enroll in GED classes). Five of them go back to school this morning. yes, yes indeed. We made it through one more summer. While this has been probably our calmest summer ever, my kids have never been lazier and have gotten very lax in their habits. Probably not as lax as many of their peers, but they are really out of sync. The transition back to going to bed on time, etc. is going to be a difficult one for them., I'm afraid.

I got up at 4:45 to make it to the Y a little after 5 for my workout. I really wanted to turn around and leave when the scale said I had gained five pounds this week. I worked out more than I have in a long time AND watched my food intake AND drank 2 liters of water a day. So what in the world is going on with that?

I have several items on my agenda today including two home visits that require being in the van for several hours and an appointment to take the van to get the lights fixed before I go. I slept horribly last night with several interesting/weird/funny dreams that wouldn't make sense to you unless you knew the people in them.

For those of you who are in MN and have survived the long long summer, congratulations. They ARE going back to school today... or tomorrow... or Thursday.

Who's throwing the party?


  1. woo hoo! party at my house!! cartwheel all the way here!! haha, right there with you claudia! and about the weight thing, did you drink any h20 before weigh in? that is always a big deal- and also, if you gained muscle it weighs more than fat, so don't give up and there will be results. slow and steady wins the race:) right there with you too;) enjoy your quietness today!! i know i am, even with my babies!!

  2. The kids walked out the door this morning & Hubby stayed back to give me his usually kiss goodbye and I just stood there crying like a baby....tears of JOY! The silence was absolutely golden and to know I didn't have to do the every minute-on guard-behavior management stuff was such a relief!

    Have a great Day!

  3. Anonymous9:13 PM

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