Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Own Secrets Aren't Safe with Me

If I cry it means I am sleep deprived. And yesterday I cried. A lot. For some reason this year I'm just not able to get to bed. The kids are up later and so I can't get us all settled before 10:30 or 10:45. Waking up at 4:45 then is just not working for me and I'm not sure what to do. For me, fitting exercise in later in the day doesn't happen, and so I kept pushing myself to be at the Y. Three days after that and I was a sobbing mess. It just comes with the sleep deprivation thing and I can't do anything about it. And i hardly ever cry. Of course, I didn't let anyone SEE me cry! So, if I was a normal person my own secrets would be safe with me. BUt instead I'm sharing it with the world.

So I skipped this morning. It gave me 90 minutes of sleep and now I'm still dragging. And now I have to figure out how to fit some exercise into the day. Can't anyone just figure out a way to give me about 4 or 5 more hours in every 24.

Today we have an appointment with the accountant (we really like her, though, so that's a plus) and then tonight I have a homestudy visit. Courtney (gf to John and mother to unborn Isaac) has a baby shower Sunday. I leave Monday for a few days of speaking and matching in Abilene, TX. After my return, I head to Seattle on the following MOnday for a week of trainings. My days are so swamped getting ready for it all that I am not sure where the exercise piece comes in.

Guess I'm just going to have to get in bed and let the world whirl around me tonight and get up again by 4:45....

1 comment:

  1. Do you *have* to stay up till everyone is settled? I get up at 5am so go to bed between 8:30 & 9. Once my daughter has a bedtime later than 8:30, I won't be around for it, DH will deal with it. (And by then, she'll be getting up at 5 because the bus for middle school and high school comes at 6:30!).
