Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Running Out of Time

I didn't leave myself enough time this morning to adequately blog about yesterday. I'll try to write more this afternoon.

But I had to post these pictures to give you a taste of how my day and evening went.

I think I will wait until later today to explain them. That should leave you curious and coming back for more.

Anybody who wasn't with me yesterday want to attempt a guess as to why any of these pictures are on my blog?

1 comment:

  1. Wow Claudia, I didn't even pick up on the Beer "stuff" I was SOO tired last night when I read your post. It wasn't until I saw and read today's update that I went and re-read last nights update before I finally got it. I've been down and out all week with some sort of viral respitory infections and that apparently renders me unable to read somehow lol. Maybe a lil' bit of lack of sleep too! lol Glad your recent trip went well, and wish you luck on your trip to Seattle. I just want you to know what an AMAZING person you are. You don't get enough kudos for what you do daily. While your job may seem thankless and unnnoticed at times, it is a wonderful thing you do for this great country and it's children who need homes and parents. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you and all the hard work, and time you put into your job.
