Friday, September 17, 2010


Last night I made a home visit and of course, because of confidentiality I can't tell you specifics, but I can tell you that this is one of the most satisfying placements I have ever made. Here is why.

1) When I met the parents they were convinced they wanted an infant or toddler. After getting to know them, I could tell that they were definitely equipped and passionate enough about kids to handle older kids and I knew that they would be excellent. As they went through the training they concluded the same thing and decided to adopt an older sib group.

2) They paid attention in training, read extra material, and then applied everything they learned to parenting their kids when they arrived.

3) The kids are thriving because they are living with people who get that it is going to take a long time for them to bond and act like "normal" kids. It's so cool to see how well they are doing.

The oldest in the group is a teenager and he came from a foster home where the foster mom could find very little good to say about him. He is now in a home where his new parents think he is amazing. Guess how much his behavior has changed?

My jobs are HARD sometimes. The work load lately is especially high, which is a good thing, but it gets tiring. However, nights like last night when I can see a great placement working well are wonderful!

Sometimes you can get some satisfaction.... but it requires work!

1 comment:

  1. Thats so amazing!! I love stories like that.
    I was raving about you and your family last night to a friend who wants to adopt. I lent her your book, which she loved.
    I was saying how I love that you are real, you don't hide the yuckies but you always have a "feel-good" story to make it all worthwhile.
    Thanks again for sharing a bit of your journey with us in blog world.
    Happy belated bday too!!!
