Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday and all is Well

It's a beautiful fall day in Minnesota and I"m in m office, bombarded by the tasks I have to complete by the time I leave for Abilene on the 20th. Courtney, John's gf, has a shower coming up next weekend and I've done nothing so far but send out invitations. We have an appointment with our accountant on Thursday that will require me to actually finish up our bookkeeping. I have two home visits out of town this week, and tomorrow I have many things to do for the worship service.

For that reason I spent this morning at the computer getting those things done. I like that stuff though, so it's a nice break for me. Allows me to use the other side of my brain.

Thursday night 14 people slept here. Last night it was only 7. Salinda and her little "family" have headed to his mom's for the weekend. They did a good job here this week. And we had 3 people spend the night at friends' houses. So today we had Mexican food out at my favorite Mexican food place in town. It was nice to get away. I then attempted to help Dominyk and WIlson clean their room but got frustrated and decided I'd rather be in my office.

I also wanted to put in a few minutes of exercise today since I skipped the Y yesterday.

This is a very boring blog post.

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