Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I'm sleepy. I shouldn't be, because I slept for 8 and a half hours, but it's only 6 a.m. and still dark here in Seattle. I don't have to leave this morning until almost 7:30 but I was really tired yesterday when I arrived and spent the evening relaxing, playing online scrabble with Bart and later listening to him talk bout the frustrating night he had at home. I thus ignored most of my email and tweaking my presentation so here I am, up at 6. But it's 8 at home. ;-)

Yesterday's shuttle ride was really annoying. Bart dropped me off at 6:20 for a 6:30 ride that is supposed to take about 75-90 minutes. The roads were closed, we had to make two ridiculous unnecessary stops, and so I didn't get to the airport until about 8:25 instead of 7:55. They were boarding very full plane at 9:05. I barely skidded in not having time to eat.

When I arrived i stopped for breakfast at 1 p.m. which would have been 3 in MN. Pretty hungry by then. Met one of my favorite people in Washington for an hour or so to prepare for this weeks presentations and then spent the evening trying to do follow up from last week as well as relax a bit.

Today I'll spend the day with adoption workers -- both on the private adoption side and on the state side -- workers of both families and kids. We are goign to talk about Disruption Prevention and spend the day with me sharing some ideas and then having a dialogue about how to make a good plan to support parents when the kids arrive so that there is a less likelihood of disruption.

When we finish a few of the workers are hopefully going to stick around and we are going to do some matching -- one of my favorite things to do.

I've never done this particular training this way before and I'm excited to see how it goes.

SOrry for being such a pathetic blogger of late...

1 comment:

  1. Not pathetic at all; in fact, yours is one of the most helpful and interesting I've found. As my husband and I are readying to begin foster parent training, I'm reading and learning. It's also helpful to read your blog as an adoptive mom -- and as a biological one, too.
