Friday, September 03, 2010

Somebody Finally Gets It

Today Bart was home until noon and I stayed home to spend some time with him. We ended up slipping out for breakfast, which was nice, but when we came home several of the kids came up to be follow the Pied Piper around our small bedroom. Dominyk was more incessant as he usually is and Tony was provoking him as Wilson lay next to Bart quietly. When Bart had to get up it had become evident that I was near boiling point with the endless nonsense between Dominyk and Tony so Wilson climbed up onto my lap, and without a word, put his hands over my ears.

There really isn't anything you can do but love a kid like that.

(Photo courtesy of my sister-in-law and was taken on the trip to New York that Bart, Leon and Wilson took this summer. Hi "Aunt T")


  1. my WG does stuff like that. Once she made me laugh when she said, "mommy, you always tell me. Just IGNORE THEM!"

  2. Anonymous9:14 PM

    That is the sweetest gesture! Way more than words could say!
