Friday, September 10, 2010

Such a Calm Night Last Night

Not sure if it is just the relief of everyone being back in routine, or the addition of more "adult children" around, but we have had a couple of pretty calm nights.

Salinda's boyfriend (and Gabby's daddy of course) has been working as a PCA with Tony and he has really been doing an amazing job with him. He is able to get him to do things with a quiet reminder that I can't get him to do for hours. His head shake of disapproval or the word no can stop him in mid-sentence. He does homework with him and gets cooperation. And they are developing a habit of spending a couple of hours in the evenings at the YMCA getting some much needed exercise for Tony.

Salinda starts school on Monday to prepare for her GED. I think she will feel much better about herself if she can reach this goal.

John has enrolled himself back in school without me even suggesting it (contrast that to last year when I busted my butt to get him there just so he would skip all his classes anyway -- so frustrating) and is also picking up several shifts at Taco Bell where he worked before he went back to jail. His girlfriend spends her days here while he is in school and often hangs out here when he is at work as well. When they are here for a meal the trouble makers seem to be a bit more respectful.

Rand is living at home but being much more mature about the household chores assigned to him and very good about running errands and giving rides, a HUGE responsibility around here. He's much less motivational and has also decided weight loss is something he is motivated to do which is wonderful and something I could never impress upon was necessary.

Mike is still sleeping here sometimes and in and out with different friends each week, but he isn't bothering the family system much, doesn't ask for anything, and hasn't stolen anything of major value, so for him that's good.

And the rest of the kids are in school. So, after sending 7 kids off to school in the morning, there are still three of my kids home at this point plus two significant others and the grandbaby. I go other places to work now so that I don't have to be stressed by their laziness (I mean seriously, how much TV can a person watch in a day, or how can a person sleep until 3).

Another nice thing is that they all know that I don't hand out cash. So anytime they need something they have to earn money and so now even Courtney and Henry are part of the work crew that is keeping the house clean and the yard mowed.

Last night Bart was out of town and we had two missing at football practice and still had 11 around the table (for chicken patty sandwiches and chips -- yeah, we only eat good when Bart is around). The meal was positive though and I then spent about an hour signing papers and helping with homework. I was so tired I ended up going to bed at 8:40 and actually slept pretty well with few interruptions. Amazing.

Well, my blogging time is up. Time to wake up the only two that now need to be awakened. Henry takes care of Tony (who used to cuss me every single morning when I woke him up) and the rest get up on their own.

Sometimes it can be calm around here.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you have to sit back and wonder how many behaviors are ODD vs the inability to stay on track? I mean, if they can do it for someone else you kind of have to take it personal, don't you? At least that's the very similar position I'm in right now ;)
