Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Time for an Attitude/Gratitude Check

Last night I just plain got whiney. And there was no real reason. Teenagers not doing their chores? Oh, come on. That happens every day in this country.... since when is that life altering?

I need a kick in the butt. And since nobody is here to do it, I'm going to do it myself.

I am going to list things I am grateful for and ask those of you who are feeling whiney (or even if you aren't) to add a comment of something you are grateful for.

1) All of our 12 children, and their significant others, and our grandchildren, one born, and one unborn, are healthy.

2) There have been no major episodes of aggression in our house all week. (OK, now putting that in writing is just inviting trouble, but hey, wait, this is a gratitude post).

3) I have an amazing husband who does way more than most husbands do and then steps in whenever things are hard for me or I'm feeling down and does even more.

4) I have a few really good friends in our town and in our church who put up with me, even when I'm just not quite like everyone else.

5) I have a great team of online friends who support me by their writing, their blogs, their comments, their emails. All kinds of encouraging words to read daily.

6) I have more than enough food to eat, clean water to use and drink that I don't have to haul, a place to sleep that is temperature controlled, several choices of clothing to wear each morning -- and those things combined have me living in the top 10% of the world's population for sure.

7) I am living my dream of speaking and writing, even if it isn't full time.

8) I have jobs that allow me to make a difference in the world doing something that I love AND get paid for it.

9) I have incredible parents who have loved me, nurtured me, prayed for me and offered their support for all of my near 47 years.

10) I have a God who is awesome, amazing, personal and who has the power to do ANYTHING. He has given me the gift of His grace and He never lets me down. He is always there to catch me when I'm falling and set me back on a firm place so I can keep going.

Anybody else wanna add something?


  1. We have an awesome support team, including professionals, who really get it and TRUST us.

    The availability of good allergy medications in this country.

    Angela :-)

  2. I love this! I am grateful for:
    --being a parent long enough that I now know there is no need to try to be "right" about everything
    --a wife who has been my partner since 1978
    --5 beautiful children
    --Fiona's amazing steps forward to healing
    --peanut butter filled pretzels LOL They are my new addiction, sorry!
    --hearing geese fly south this a.m.

  3. I am grateful that I have children, who in spite of facing tremendous challenges, get up most mornings with a smile and do the best they can with what the day hands them.

  4. "clean water that i dont have to haul", echoing this one!

    thankful for a healthy pregnancy, medical care, vehicle that runs, friends, family, money for little extras, a comfortable bed with 3 pillows and a heavy warm blanket, being able to climb into this bed every nite and know my daughter and i are safe...

    the great thing about gratefulness is once you start naming things, you could just go on and on. the simple things and the big ones.

    im thankful for bloggers like YOU claudia! <3

  5. i am grateful for the love of God, for his new mercies all the time when i screw up...for the ability to think on my feet...for the resilience of my kids that i may learn from them...for the country i live in and those fighting for our freedom. good idea, claudia! there are many things to be thankful for, as my dad used to say, "are your legs broken?"
