Monday, September 13, 2010

We May Finally Have Reached a Milestone

Dominyk is in eighth grade. He is 14.5 years old. So far this school year he has been able to get dressed by himself. For the first. time. ever.

Last year he was obsessed with having a very tight belt. So he needed help finding it. And he needed help putting it on. And he needed help getting it tight enough. And he couldn't find his shoes, or his backpack, or his socks, or clothes to wear. But suddenly this year all of that seems to be gone. Last night I even heard him say "Don't turn the light off! I'm getting things ready for school tomorrow....

This means that we are now officially to the point where everyone can bathe and get dressed without parental help. Such a relief... even though it take a very long time to get here.


  1. Sound of the celestial choir singing the Hallelujah Chorus.

  2. Hooray for a housefull of self-dressing people! Now if I could only get my husband to where Dominyk is (he is totally fashion impaired and I have to do my christian duty not to allow him be everyone's comic relief for the day), then perhaps I can start training my little one on the fine art of dressing themselves.

