Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Wednesdays Rambling Thoughts

Here are 1st day of school pictures for 5 of the high-schoolers. Great looking kids, eh?


I also got the same invitation Cindy did about a casting call for a pilot large family program. I looked into it to see how much it would pay. $500 to shoot the pilot. Are you kidding me? No way I would disrupt everyone that much for $500. I turned down Wife Swap at $10,000 a few years ago. Now, you start talking $50,000 or $100,000 and MAYBE i'd be willing to allow a people to put my kids on national TV telling everyone what a horrible mother they have but $500? Nope.


Bart and I have an article in the Fostering Families magazine that arrived yesterday. Anybody see it?


Yesterday seemed to go well for everyone and I think I got all of the paper's signed last night. They all seem motivated and report to having a good day. Unfortunately, their good day at school did not translate into remembering to do what they were supposed to at home, and so when I arrived at 8:15 p.m. and found undone chores, after so little sleep Monday night, I was less than positive. I went to bed exhausted but was up at 4:45 and off to the Y. I gained weight this week so I'm crabby about the whole experience, but I'm not going to quit.


Dominyk has a conference this morning and then by tomorrow he and Wilson will be in school and I can finally get organized I hope. It's amazing how much I manage to manage ... even amazes me sometimes.


Today's goals include catching up on email, finalizing presentations for the trip to Abilene, TX in two weeks, and working on taxes. ON Monday I got everything organized, now today/tonight just need to get it all on spreadsheets.


I also plan at some point to pick winners for the Tackiest Blog Give Away Ever. But since I haven't done it yet, I guess you can still enter -- make sure you leave your comments there instead of here or I may not see them.


Off to live my day.... Hope yours is a good one!


  1. Sure are good looking kids! We homeschool so I don't do "back to school" pics and now I wonder if I should!

  2. When and where are you speaking in Texas? And yes those are some fine looking kids!
