Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Women Don't Treat you Mean in Abilene

DId you know that there are several country songs written about this town?

Got in about 6:30 last night and was welcomed by three very fun adoption professionals who work for DFPS (the Department of Family and Protective Services) who still refer to themselves as CPS even though the name has been changed for years. We had good Mexican food together and I learned something about language.

Did you know that y'all isn't where it stops? You can actually combine words -- I'm not sure how you would spell them but you can say y'all's -- as the waiter did last night -- "I'll bring y'all's check in a minute."

Or apparently you can say y'all'd as in "y'all'd like to come over for supper right?"

Today there are going to be close to 100 people who are going to get a mighty hefty dose of Claudia. I am presenting four topics: Preventing Disruption, Why Large Families are an excellent resource for waiting kids, the Myths of Matching, and Foster Parents as Barriers to Permanency. I will literally be up front from 8:30 to 11:30 and from 1:00 until 4:45. Fortunately I slept well last night and am feeling refreshed. I hope the audience did too.

That's a whole lot of Claudia for one day.

Hopefully Jimmy Dean was right when he sang:

Abilene Abilene prettiest town that I've ever seen
The women there don't treat you mean in Abilene my Abilene

Old empty boxcars standin' all alone the wheels're all rusted boys so we'd home
But what I have to do till I get back to Abilene
(Abilene) that's my home (Abilene) my home sweet home
(Prettiest town that I've ever seen
The women there won't treat you mean in Abilene my Abilene)

I've been to Chicago San Francisco too old New York City none of them will do
I'm just a waitin' till I get to Abilene (my Abilene)
Abilene Abilene...
No women there won't treat you mean in Abilene (my Abilene)
The women there won't treat you mean in Abilene (my Abilene)


  1. I want to hear " why large familys are great resources for waiting children!

  2. You can also say, "Do y'all ALL want to come to dinner?" Meaning... ALL of you (as opposed to SOME of you. :-)

  3. We also have "all y'all". (The plural of y'all, and it also has a possessive, all y'all's.)

  4. Be sure someone takes you out to Joe Allen's Steak House for supper. Y'all'll love it!!!

  5. Just FYI - DFPS is the main agency, with CPS, APS (Adult) and CCL (Child Care Licensing) the 3 agencies underneath DFPS.

  6. Shantra -- I'd love to come to wherever you are and present that if you can find someone to hire me to do it ;-)

    ANd yes, Gretchen, thanks for the clarification. I had someone slse set me straight on that one this week too. ;-)
