Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So what's the word on Kari?

I agreed to pass on messages to Kari so if you would like to email her send it to me at maeflye@mac.com and I will forward your email on to her so she can get back to you.



  1. would you just tell her she will be greatly missed? Thanks :)

  2. I read Kari's blog and was surprised to see it closed this morning. I hope whatever is going on gets resolved quickly. I get tons of inspiration from both of your blogs!

  3. sending her love, hope and positive thoughts

    i dont follow many blogs and thoroughly enjoyed hers. her personality, take and expression. especially links, articles and sharing about FASD.

  4. I've been through this 3 times. I know INCREDIBLY stressful and scary and lonely it can be, even when you know they won't find anything. Just let her know she's got a friend here and I'm in her corner. We've been cleared all three times. If she's interested in survival and navigation pointers, I'm happy to share them with her. She can email me at vorderbinnen@gmail.com
