Wednesday, September 01, 2010

You Still Bring me Flowers....

Just in case you were wondering -- it is ok to try to win each part of the Tackiest Blog Give Away Ever. So you can post on your facebook, tell me a joke for wilson to judge, and put it on your blog and you'll have three chances to win.

Busy day ahead -- lots of office work this morning, and several practices and HIgh School Orientation this afternoon. Bart, Tony and Wilson are going to the State Fair today, and Jimmy and Rand are going to the Twins game tonight with the church group. Sadie is babysitting. Looks like I"ll only have about 3 or 4 kids home tonight!

I'm looking forward to having everyone back in school, but probably not as much as they need and want to be back.... This has been a very lazy unproductive summer for most of them and I haven't had time or energy to push them to do more. School and routine will be good for them.

You may want to pray for Tony if you are a person who prays. He and Jimmy were friends with this girl and Tony had especially been spending quite a bit of time on the phone with her. In fact, he had talked to her at length on Saturday night. All day yesterday he was in denial, but last night it hit him pretty hard.

And finally -- see the flowers in this post? Bart has purchased a bouquet like that for me and for the family every single Saturday he has been home. Anybody else had flowers every week from their spouse/partner this summer?

Just one of the 500 reasons why he is an amazing husband!


  1. JOKE: So, two muffins are sitting in the oven and one muffin says to the other, "Wow, it's hot in here! The other one says, "Holy Crap!!! A talking muffin!" HARHARHARHARHAR

  2. Wow, Bart is amazing, which I know you already know. He is really a romantic, isn't he. I haven't had flowers in this decade!

  3. my 'flower" life goes along with the neil diamond song, "You don't bring me flowers anymore" I could be ole babs streisand. :)

    A joke?
    A horse walked into the bar and the bartender said,
    "Why the long face?"
    ba-da-bum...thats all I got! :D

  4. Remember that I have 3 boys so my level of humor is not real, um shall we say sophisticated? The best joke my kids told me lately (and this was of course at a meal)

    What color is a burp?

