Monday, October 04, 2010

And the Winners ARE...

Finally, a month later, I have the winners for the Tackiest Book Giveaway Ever. I actually did this a couple weeks ago and my blog post disolved into cyberspace somehow so here we go.

Beth H wins the blog-link copy of the book.

Randi wins the facebook link copy...

and the Joke?

Well Wilson loved "Little Wonders" " Horse walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Why the Long Face" joke but she already has a copy of my book and made it clear that the goo covered books would not be welcome in her home.

So, "I Now Drive a People Mover" won the 3rd copy with this joke:

"What do you say to a cow on the roof? Get down."

So get me your addresses by sending me an email at maeflye at mac dot com and I will get those books to you and then maybe be inspired to get the rest of my desk cleaned off!


  1. LOL...that's horse joke is soooo bad, lol Wilson would get along well with us, I think! :)

  2. I Looovvee your contest. What a grand idea to turn a mini-disaster into a fun event! Clearly you have raised other people's children, where the lemons to lemonade ability is crucial to survival. Wish I had gotten onto you blog sooner altho I don't think I could have matched that joke... maybe next time something spills?
