Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cuss Words on a Sunday Morning

I was raised in a home where "gee" "gosh" "dang" "heck" etc. were prohibited. Jimmy Crickett was prohibited because it stood for Jesus Christ. And so having two of my children who will not stop swearing -- and I mean all the words there are -- really bugs me. Especially on Sunday morning.

This is something we have worked with with a therapist. It's something we have consequenced. It's something we have tried to stop for years to no avail. I've tried ignoring, avoiding, correcting, getting angry, explaining my frustrating, even joining in, and nothing seems to work. And on Sunday mornings it's a real button for them to push.

These two boys will swear at me every single morning. I just bribed one of them. Hopefully that will work..... to get us through the rest of the day.


  1. You and me both. If we uttered darn, dang, gosh, gee, heck, or anything close, we got to take a bite of a bar of soap. I used liquid dish soap on a couple of my kids!

  2. Me too! As you know, Claudia, I sometimes get my tongue tangled up when I'm trying to say something. Once when I was a kid, a situation presented itself that startled me, and I tried to say both "heck" and "well" at the same time, and my tongue was confused and it came out "hell". The look on my mom's face made me stammer out that explanation very quickly, and I somehow escaped punishment, probably because it startled her so much, too!
