Saturday, October 23, 2010

Facing a Testosteroneless Day

Busy day yesterday and then a night in a hotel waiting to attend Women of Faith all day long. I have spent most of my life preferring to with men. I still prefer it actually. Not to say that I don't enjoy my friends who are women, it's just that I don't fit in all that well with people who go get their hair died or get pedicures or want to talk about knitting or shopping or cooking ... or pretty much, you name it, if it is stereotypically female it doesn't appeal to me.

But the people I am here with are fun, and I'm planning to have a good day.

And it was time for an upgrade so I have an Iphone 4. I think I can survive if it's with me.


  1. Girl up and go and have fun! Wish I was there with you. We could go get pedicures afterwards. ♥

  2. The knitting's ok, but I'm sitting on your couch concerning the other topics!

    Great decision on the upgrade. The movie quality is fantastic; you're gonna love it!
