Monday, October 04, 2010

Facing the Week Alone

Bart did a stellar job of handling things while I was gone. Last week, for me would have been incredibly stressful had I been here, but he did a good job of dealing with the things that came up in ways that were rational and calm, something I may not have been. Now it is my turn to deal with the stress and so far, so good. But he's only been gone since last night. ;-)

Decided to go to the Y after taking the kids to school instead of getting up early this morning. We'll see how much of my day this sucks up and decide about tomorrow. The kids really don't go to sleep very early any more and I have a hard time going to bed at 10:30 or 11:00 and waking up at 4:45 and still making it through the day without some kind of emotional breakdown.

Still no word from Salinda. I've decided to just wait and see how long it takes her to realize that she has parents. She's 3 months away from 18, she's where she's been off and on for the past two years so her safety isn't an issue, so I'm just curious to see how long she'll go without saying a word. I'll be happy to hear from her whenever she is ready, but tracking her down and forcing her the issue is never pleasant. She sort of responds like a cornered animal if she feels in any way that her decisions are being questioned.

I have a new strategy for facing my work responsibilities today. Hopefully I'll be more productive as I have felt less than pleased with my performance the past couple weeks. Travel kind of messes me up and while what I was able to accomplish while gone will have long lasting results, immediate ones aren't as visible.

On a positive note, we got a very encouraging email from our son Kyle this past weekend. He is really a very successful young man whose success has been less than easy to enjoy because of a strained relationship. I'm hoping we can build on this.

OK, I'm off to finish getting the kids off to school and to check my kitchen. Apparently one of my "adult" children's facebook indicates he was supposed to bring a blender to a friends. I sure hope not. It's pretty new, quite nice, and would bother his father a great deal if it were gone.

Is my world weird or what?

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